About Us
Set to Succeed is a not-for-profit, community-focused care program that will deliver a supported housing solution for remote community Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth. By providing security, support and a family like environment, S2S aims to guide this next generation of young adults to build their own powerful and positive futures.
How Our Journey Began
Established in 2022, Set to Succeed came about through the conversations of four industry colleagues and friends who shared a passion to create better outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Youth. Since it’s inception, our mission continues to be fueled by the passion and commitment of our distinguished Board of Directors. Our visionary leaders bring a wealth of experience, diverse perspectives, and unwavering dedication to the Set to Succeed cause.
Artwork by Grant Marshall (Director & Founder)
The blue colour U (male) & UI (female) shapes represent Set to Succeed (a happy place). The red dots in the circle are the blood connection we have to the land, with the the blue representing both coastal and inland people. The outer dotted circles represent the communities and towns that are linked to our organisation, with the zig zag dots representing the crooked journey residents may have traveled through life prior to this stage of their life.
The yellow colour U & UI symbols are the four founding directors of the foundation, with the light brown colour emu foot prints in each corner depicts the journey we have travelled prior to the commencement of this initiative. The two straight dotted lines coming into the centre represent our founders bringing individuals into their new home and giving them hope. The darker yellow emu foot prints represent the directors connecting together and creating change.
Meet the Team
Daniel Dunne
Grant Marshall
Sarah Rose
Antonio Winterstein
Gayle De La Cruz
Nicole Shenfield
Michelle Gardiner
Martin Dickson
Sean Cummiskey